Good afternoon!

Things to be noted:
- Remember when I advised you, dear readers, to BURY THEM in votes? Well, just imagine if we hadn’t!
- I have for some reason not added to the 900 words I wrote on TLT last week.
- From the people who brought you fifty billion hearings on Benghazi, we are suddenly hearing a newfound devotion to the principle of fireside kum-bah-yah unity.
- I have family bunkered down right now with COVID, why? Because when there’s no structural support, it’s impossible for individuals to take enough care to avoid community saturation, even when they do things right.
- My world is a 400 sq ft flat at present, so I am dreaming of having a garden.
Things to be done:
- That part is done, thankfully. Now to get the abuser out of our house.
- I’m gathering so much useful material for TLT right now. But to be honest, I’d rather be using my imagination…
- Newsflash, unity is already happening over here. If you’re not in sympathy with cupcake coupsters and well-heeled fascists, get with the program. Otherwise, get stuffed.
- If there were something I could do about this, I fucking would.
- Something to look into when we get some distance on this pandemic. Meanwhile, am practicing hospitality toward myself by making my morning tea in a cat-shaped pot and cooking breakfast.
And finally: matrifututores delendi sunt.